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Unlike conventional training sytems, DSA Mortar Training System behaves in the same way as a regular High Explosive (HE) mortar. The troops use actual field tables using real firing equipment and like-real mortars with the same trajectory and range. DSA Mortars are re-useable upto 20 times (depending upon the landing surface). On impact these mortars give a flash, bang and smoke. These can be fired with zero charge which lets you train within cantonment limits, thereby further reducing training costs. After firing these can be recovered and re-used with a new charge and smoke & flash cartridge.

Also available in Fire-and-Forget configuration. A specially created weak zone causes the mortar to break up on impact. Thus ensuring not only high visibility, easy scarp collection but also can be used in inaccessible areas.

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Note: We reserve the right to make any changes to our products as we may deem necessary without any notice. Please confirm with us the latest specifications.